Mission Statement
Our Vision: 'Learning through Love, Fun and Faith'
...therefore we provide the highest quality education, for each and every child, in partnership with parents, within a happy and respectful Christian community.
Our Bible Verse: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ (Matthew 22:39)
Our Values: We adopt the following 6 Christian values as guiding principles...

Our School Prayer
Dear Lord,
Bless our school.
Help us to make it a place
Where everyone can be happy.
And that by working together and playing together,
We may learn to serve one another.
Our Aims:
To be a learning community where:
- Each child is significant; noticed, valued, respected and cherished.
- Children are safe, enthusiastic, happy, engaged, courteous, and interdependent.
- As a result of outstanding, motivating and inspirational staff and teaching, each child makes sustained progress.
- The teaching of reading, writing, communication and mathematics is exceptional and each child makes excellent progress.
- Teachers plan challenging and enjoyable tasks based on accurate assessment of pupils’ prior skills, knowledge and understanding – supported by an outstanding, creative curriculum.
- Learning across the entire curriculum is highly valued and each subject and area of learning is treated as significant.
To be a Christian community where:
- Christian values are at the heart of school life.
- There is a strong link with the local Church and the wider Christian community.
- Spiritual development, as well as cultural, moral and social development, are integral to the learning experience in the school.
- All children and families - those of the Christian faith, those from other faith backgrounds, and those with no faith background - may understand more about our Christian values and faith whilst being free to make their own choices.
To be a local community where:
- The school is at the heart of the wider community, served by that community, and serving that community.
- The school is fully inclusive, welcoming all sections of the wider community, including those families who do not have a natural connection to the school, so that all will view the school as an active and open part of the wider community.
- Effective partnerships with other community organisations are formed and have a positive impact on the life of the school.
- Everyone is a learner – providing opportunities for life-long learning.
To be a global community where:
- The school encourages an awareness of the wider world and global communities.
- The school equips our children with the skills to make a positive contribution to the global community that they will be a part of.