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Why choose us?

Our school is based on Christian principles and values

We provide a supportive, secure and stimulating environment for the children.

Our school is one family

Every member of staff knows every single child at Hawksworth – this is a real community, where we know a child’s age, their siblings and their parents. Equally, each child knows the name of every other child in the school. We promote belonging and a real sense of unity.

Our class sizes are small

Our teacher/pupil ratio is high, so children receive more one-to-one teaching time and a highly-personalised learning experience. Our mixed-year group classes also enable pupils to learn with older children when appropriate.

Our nurturing environment

Mixed age classes mean children are encouraged to care for and support each other - a skill that they learn for life. Having different year groups learning and playing together creates a wonderfully positive environment for all.

Our staff

Our team is passionate and highly committed to providing the very best for our children. We have a strong record of high academic achievement and when the time comes, pupils are successfully prepared for secondary school education.

Our unique location

We take full advantage of the abundance of open space, fresh air and wildlife right on our doorstep. Welly walks, nature walks, den building and mini beast discoveries are very much an everyday part of school life! 

Our Ofsted report

We are exceptionally proud of our most recent Ofsted report which rates us as 'Good' (June 2024).

Our SIAMS report

We are also proud of our most recent SIAMS report which rates us as 'Good' (March 2022).
