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School Lunches





Information about our school lunches

The lunches are cooked fresh in our school kitchen and the termly menus provide a high quality nutritionally balanced choice of meals for the children. Each day there are four menu options: 



Vegetarian meal 


Meat meal


Jacket potato/sandwich meal


Price: £2.53 a day


The children order their meals at registration each day so that meals can then be prepared to order. A salad bar and a selection of desserts are available every day. Our children are encouraged to discuss the menus at home with their parents and to think about nutrition and healthy eating. When they arrive at school they are able to select which of the available menu options they would like to eat on that day.

Menus are made using: UK farm-assured chicken and turkey breast meat; UK farm-assured beef; salmon dishes are made with 100% salmon fillet from a sustainable source; dolphin-friendly tuna; locally sourced UK cheddar cheese; free range local British lion quality eggs.

Unlimited bread is offered in school each day. Yoghurt and fresh fruit are offered as an alternative to the dessert each day.

In accordance with the Government's Universal Infant Free School Meals offer, meals are provided free of charge to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

As food is ordered in advance, changes from school meals to packed lunches, or vice versa, require two weeks' notice in writing.


Free School Meals

It is very important that all parents on qualifying benefits claim free school meals for their child/children, via Leeds City Council, even if their child is receiving a free meal under the Government’s Universal Free School Meals offer, i.e. in Reception, Year 1, or Year 2. To find out if you are eligible ask at the school office or call Leeds Revenues and Benefits Service on 0113 222 4404.


As a school, we follow the Leeds City Council guidance relating to school lunch payment arrears:

With one week’s arrears - For parents who fail to pay and are 1 week in arrears they should receive a letter, email, or telephone call.

With two week’s arrears – For parents who don’t pay and make no attempt to pay after two weeks a letter should be sent to them notifying them of the balance outstanding.

With three week’s arrears - For parents who don’t pay and make no attempt to pay after three weeks a letter should be sent notifying them that unless all arrears are paid then the school will no longer feed their child and they will have to make alternative arrangements to feed their children i.e. packed lunch or take them home at lunchtime, feed them and return them to school for the afternoon session. School should then make parents aware that the debt will be referred to Leeds City Council financial services who will send them an invoice and should the debt remain unpaid it will be forwarded to the council’s external debt recovery agents.


Lunch Gallery

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