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Mrs R Corrigan BA (Hons) CIMA

Learning Mentor


A Learning Mentor works within schools to help pupils learn and make the most of opportunities available.

By working with your child to form a trusting relationship they will support your child through a planned and agreed approach. This will include sharing successes, providing support for behaviour and learning and being someone to talk to. 

A Learning Mentor can work both in the classroom and the playground. They can also run small groups outside the classroom to teach pupils additional skills.


Our Learning Mentor's work may include:

  • Liaising with staff, especially the school SENDCO, to identify learners who would benefit from mentoring.
  • Helping children who are finding school tricky to overcome any barriers to learning.
  • Implementing strategies and supporting learners in self-esteem and confidence-building activities.
  • Listening to and helping learners resolve a range of issues.
  • Drawing up agreed action plans with learners, outlining the aims of the mentoring, and monitoring their progress.
  • Monitoring attendance and punctuality of learners.
  • Running social/friendship and empowerment group sessions at school.
  • Advising parents on behaviour strategies.
  • Helping with transition activities KS2-KS3, for learners moving to secondary schools.

Involving Parents/Carers

If we feel that your child would benefit from working with our Learning Mentor then we will contact you. You will be asked to meet with our Learning Mentor so that you can talk about your child and how you feel like the school can support them further. Our Learning Mentor will keep in contact with you during the time she is working with your child.  

How often would my child see the Learning Mentor?

The work that your child will do with the Learning Mentor is part of an agreed plan.

The types of activities that the Learning Mentor may do with your child include:

  • Weekly meetings to meet with your child to discuss progress.
  • Support with classroom lessons.
  • Group work.
  • Support in the playground.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

At Hawksworth we know that good learning and achieving a fulfilling life depend on much more than just strong teaching or a focus on academic progress and attainment. We pride ourselves on that every member of the team considers each child's broader well-being as being of paramount importance. We, therefore, create opportunities and take the time to get to know the children in our care well and, when necessary, aim to support them and their families in addressing any issues in their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).  

Our Support Network

Hawksworth CE Primary School has a multifaceted, proactive approach to supporting our children and their families, including:


  • a Senior Mental Health Lead and a Learning Mentor;
  • a team of trained Safeguarding Leads and a Safeguarding Governor;
  • teaching assistants who support specific, emotionally vulnerable children;
  • whole school assembly themes to promote and support SEMH;
  • a worry box and a  Wednesday Workout for children to easily request support from a trusted adult;
  • pshe lessons and circle time sessions in all year groups;
  • a comprehensive range of health and sporting activities across the curriculum and in after-school clubs. 


If you would like to discuss any of the above, or how we might best support you and your child with their well-being and mental health, please speak with our Senior Mental Health Lead, Mrs F Chalmers-Brown or our Learning Mentor, Mrs R Corrigan. 


