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Mrs F Chalmers-Brown SMHL Cert

Senior Mental Health Lead 


The Department for Education (DfE) offered a grant of £1,200 for eligible state-funded schools and colleges in England to train a Senior Mental Health Lead to develop and implement a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing. This training was not compulsory, but it was part of the government’s commitment to offer this training to all eligible schools and colleges by 2025.

Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs F Chalmers-Brown. 


Our Aims 

Here at Hawksworth CE Primary School we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers), and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in just the same way as physical health. We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement. 

We want to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress, and that they are supported to unlock their full potential or access help when they need it and children:

  • children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health
  • children learn what affects their mental health
  • children learn how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues 
  • children learn where they can go if they need help and support.   


The SMHL role includes:


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

At Hawksworth we know that good learning and achieving a fulfilling life depend on much more than just strong teaching or a focus on academic progress and attainment. We pride ourselves on that every member of the team considers each child's broader well-being as being of paramount importance. We, therefore, create opportunities and take the time to get to know the children in our care well and, when necessary, aim to support them and their families in addressing any issues in their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).  


Our Support Network

Hawksworth CE Primary School has a multifaceted, proactive approach to supporting our children and their families, including:


  • a Senior Mental Health Lead and a Learning Mentor;
  • a team of trained Safeguarding Leads and a Safeguarding Governor;
  • teaching assistants who support specific, emotionally vulnerable children;
  • whole school assembly themes to promote and support SEMH;
  • a worry box and a  Wednesday Workout for children to easily request support from a trusted adult;
  • pshe lessons and circle time sessions in all year groups;
  • a comprehensive range of health and sporting activities across the curriculum and in after-school clubs. 



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Mrs F Chalmers-Brown SMHL Cert

Senior Mental Health Lead 


The Department for Education (DfE) offered a grant of £1,200 for eligible state-funded schools and colleges in England to train a Senior Mental Health Lead to develop and implement a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing. This training was not compulsory, but it was part of the government’s commitment to offer this training to all eligible schools and colleges by 2025.

Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs F Chalmers-Brown. 


Our Aims 

Here at Hawksworth CE Primary School we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community (children, staff, parents and carers), and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in just the same way as physical health. We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement. 

We want to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress, and that they are supported to unlock their full potential or access help when they need it and children:

  • children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health
  • children learn what affects their mental health
  • children learn how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues 
  • children learn where they can go if they need help and support.   


The SMHL role includes:


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

At Hawksworth we know that good learning and achieving a fulfilling life depend on much more than just strong teaching or a focus on academic progress and attainment. We pride ourselves on that every member of the team considers each child's broader well-being as being of paramount importance. We, therefore, create opportunities and take the time to get to know the children in our care well and, when necessary, aim to support them and their families in addressing any issues in their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).  


Our Support Network

Hawksworth CE Primary School has a multifaceted, proactive approach to supporting our children and their families, including:


  • a Senior Mental Health Lead and a Learning Mentor;
  • a team of trained Safeguarding Leads and a Safeguarding Governor;
  • teaching assistants who support specific, emotionally vulnerable children;
  • whole school assembly themes to promote and support SEMH;
  • a worry box and a  Wednesday Workout for children to easily request support from a trusted adult;
  • pshe lessons and circle time sessions in all year groups;
  • a comprehensive range of health and sporting activities across the curriculum and in after-school clubs. 


