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Christian Distinctiveness

We, at Hawksworth CE Primary School provide a happy, nurturing and supportive environment founded on the principles of the Christian faith; helping to develop children’s spiritual growth and moral understanding. All members of our school community are valued and respected, so that everyone can have a positive attitude to themselves, others and life.

Our school’s Christian character contributes significantly to the academic achievement, personal development and well-being of all learners. Although we are a church school, we are inclusive to all members of the community we serve. Our aim is that pupils from all faiths and those without a faith feel safe and happy, secure in the knowledge that their beliefs are respected and valued.

The Christian character is evident in the strong sense of respect existing between staff and pupils, who are proud to be a part of our special school.

 As a Church school:

  • We believe each person is made in the image of God. We strive to reflect the love of God, love of life and love of learning in all that we do.
  • We endeavour to build our school on our core Christian values.
  • Our aim is to foster the intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of all our pupils.
  • We believe that children need a caring, consistent environment where they are treated with respect and where their well-being is seen as paramount.

We believe that each child should leave school with:

  • A sense of moral and spiritual awareness.
  • A sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.
  • A love of learning and the desire to achieve high standards.
  • A growing ability to relate to and communicate with other people.
  • A sense of their citizenship of the school and the wider community.

We work hard towards ensuring that our values are at the heart of our school. Our values are informed by the values central to Christianity. We are ambitious - we want each member of the school to discover and realise their true potential in a Christian environment.

The school has a clear, concise Christian vision and set of values which are rooted within our Mission Statement and chosen Biblical verse â€˜Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ (Matthew 22:39).   This inspires all members of the school community to live out our Christian values and to strive for excellence in all they do. The Mission Statement was decided upon after joint work by the pupils, staff and governors.

A distinctive Christian ethos runs through the school. All members of school feel supported, valued and a voice that is listened to. Our school is a place where relationships prosper; relationships within the whole community are important, not only amongst the staff and children but with the whole community.

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Christian Distinctiveness

We, at Hawksworth CE Primary School provide a happy, nurturing and supportive environment founded on the principles of the Christian faith; helping to develop children’s spiritual growth and moral understanding. All members of our school community are valued and respected, so that everyone can have a positive attitude to themselves, others and life.

Our school’s Christian character contributes significantly to the academic achievement, personal development and well-being of all learners. Although we are a church school, we are inclusive to all members of the community we serve. Our aim is that pupils from all faiths and those without a faith feel safe and happy, secure in the knowledge that their beliefs are respected and valued.

The Christian character is evident in the strong sense of respect existing between staff and pupils, who are proud to be a part of our special school.

 As a Church school:

  • We believe each person is made in the image of God. We strive to reflect the love of God, love of life and love of learning in all that we do.
  • We endeavour to build our school on our core Christian values.
  • Our aim is to foster the intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of all our pupils.
  • We believe that children need a caring, consistent environment where they are treated with respect and where their well-being is seen as paramount.

We believe that each child should leave school with:

  • A sense of moral and spiritual awareness.
  • A sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.
  • A love of learning and the desire to achieve high standards.
  • A growing ability to relate to and communicate with other people.
  • A sense of their citizenship of the school and the wider community.

We work hard towards ensuring that our values are at the heart of our school. Our values are informed by the values central to Christianity. We are ambitious - we want each member of the school to discover and realise their true potential in a Christian environment.

The school has a clear, concise Christian vision and set of values which are rooted within our Mission Statement and chosen Biblical verse â€˜Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ (Matthew 22:39).   This inspires all members of the school community to live out our Christian values and to strive for excellence in all they do. The Mission Statement was decided upon after joint work by the pupils, staff and governors.

A distinctive Christian ethos runs through the school. All members of school feel supported, valued and a voice that is listened to. Our school is a place where relationships prosper; relationships within the whole community are important, not only amongst the staff and children but with the whole community.

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Christian Distinctiveness

We, at Hawksworth CE Primary School provide a happy, nurturing and supportive environment founded on the principles of the Christian faith; helping to develop children’s spiritual growth and moral understanding. All members of our school community are valued and respected, so that everyone can have a positive attitude to themselves, others and life.

Our school’s Christian character contributes significantly to the academic achievement, personal development and well-being of all learners. Although we are a church school, we are inclusive to all members of the community we serve. Our aim is that pupils from all faiths and those without a faith feel safe and happy, secure in the knowledge that their beliefs are respected and valued.

The Christian character is evident in the strong sense of respect existing between staff and pupils, who are proud to be a part of our special school.

 As a Church school:

  • We believe each person is made in the image of God. We strive to reflect the love of God, love of life and love of learning in all that we do.
  • We endeavour to build our school on our core Christian values.
  • Our aim is to foster the intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of all our pupils.
  • We believe that children need a caring, consistent environment where they are treated with respect and where their well-being is seen as paramount.

We believe that each child should leave school with:

  • A sense of moral and spiritual awareness.
  • A sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.
  • A love of learning and the desire to achieve high standards.
  • A growing ability to relate to and communicate with other people.
  • A sense of their citizenship of the school and the wider community.

We work hard towards ensuring that our values are at the heart of our school. Our values are informed by the values central to Christianity. We are ambitious - we want each member of the school to discover and realise their true potential in a Christian environment.

The school has a clear, concise Christian vision and set of values which are rooted within our Mission Statement and chosen Biblical verse â€˜Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ (Matthew 22:39).   This inspires all members of the school community to live out our Christian values and to strive for excellence in all they do. The Mission Statement was decided upon after joint work by the pupils, staff and governors.

A distinctive Christian ethos runs through the school. All members of school feel supported, valued and a voice that is listened to. Our school is a place where relationships prosper; relationships within the whole community are important, not only amongst the staff and children but with the whole community.
