The Department for Education requires governing bodies of maintained schools to publish statements of behaviour principles for their school. The Governing Body, therefore, has a duty to produce, and review, a written statement of general principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils. The document Behaviour and Discipline in Schools Guidance for Governing Bodies (DFE – January 2016) has been used as a reference in producing this Statement of Behaviour Principles.
Hawksworth is a Church of England Primary School. As such, the Governing Body believes that the Behaviour Policy should be underpinned by the Christian ethos of and vision for the school.
Hawksworth CE Primary School is also an inclusive school. We are committed to promoting respect, fairness and social inclusion and these are the principles underlying the behaviour policy and the discipline policy. We are committed to improving outcomes for our children and staff and to promoting good relations across the whole school community.
Statement of Behaviour Principles (Statement reviewed annually by the school Governors)
This is a statement of principles, not practice. Practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher.
The governors at Hawksworth CE Primary School believe that:
At Hawksworth CE Primary School we value everyone as an individual, capable of growth, change and development. Our relationships are underpinned by the principles of justice, equality, mutual respect, fairness and consistency. We have high expectations that support the development of our pupils as effective and responsible citizens.
The governors at Hawksworth CE Primary School would request that the Headteacher bears in mind the following when drawing up the behaviour policy:
The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Headteacher in drawing up the Behaviour Policy by stating the principles the governors expect to be followed. The Headteacher has a duty to publish the statement on the school website.
The Headteacher will develop the Behaviour Policy with reference to the DfE guidance document Behaviour and Discipline in Schools – Advice for Headteachers and School Staff, January 2016. This should include consideration of the ten key aspects of school practice that when effective, contribute to improving the quality of pupil behaviour:
Governors appreciate that in exceptional circumstances the needs of a pupil may be best met in an alternative provision or specialist inclusive learning centre (SILC) and that the pupil may then be removed from the school roll. Where this is the case, governors would seek assurances that:
The Department for Education requires governing bodies of maintained schools to publish statements of behaviour principles for their school. The Governing Body, therefore, has a duty to produce, and review, a written statement of general principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils. The document Behaviour and Discipline in Schools Guidance for Governing Bodies (DFE – January 2016) has been used as a reference in producing this Statement of Behaviour Principles.
Hawksworth is a Church of England Primary School. As such, the Governing Body believes that the Behaviour Policy should be underpinned by the Christian ethos of and vision for the school.
Hawksworth CE Primary School is also an inclusive school. We are committed to promoting respect, fairness and social inclusion and these are the principles underlying the behaviour policy and the discipline policy. We are committed to improving outcomes for our children and staff and to promoting good relations across the whole school community.
Statement of Behaviour Principles (Statement reviewed annually by the school Governors)
This is a statement of principles, not practice. Practical applications of these principles are the responsibility of the Headteacher.
The governors at Hawksworth CE Primary School believe that:
At Hawksworth CE Primary School we value everyone as an individual, capable of growth, change and development. Our relationships are underpinned by the principles of justice, equality, mutual respect, fairness and consistency. We have high expectations that support the development of our pupils as effective and responsible citizens.
The governors at Hawksworth CE Primary School would request that the Headteacher bears in mind the following when drawing up the behaviour policy:
The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Headteacher in drawing up the Behaviour Policy by stating the principles the governors expect to be followed. The Headteacher has a duty to publish the statement on the school website.
The Headteacher will develop the Behaviour Policy with reference to the DfE guidance document Behaviour and Discipline in Schools – Advice for Headteachers and School Staff, January 2016. This should include consideration of the ten key aspects of school practice that when effective, contribute to improving the quality of pupil behaviour:
Governors appreciate that in exceptional circumstances the needs of a pupil may be best met in an alternative provision or specialist inclusive learning centre (SILC) and that the pupil may then be removed from the school roll. Where this is the case, governors would seek assurances that: