Hawksworth CE Primary's curriculum is bespoke, unique to our school and meets the needs of our children to prepare them for an ever-changing world.
At Hawksworth CE Primary School, we believe in the concept of lifelong learning. We maintain that learning should be a rewarding, relevant and enjoyable experience that is rooted in our Christian faith. Through our teaching and curriculum, we equip all our children with knowledge, skills and a positive attitude necessary to be confident learners now and for life.
Our creative curriculum is coherent, planned, sequenced, progressive, challenging and aims to meet all the requirements of the National Curriculum from EYFS to Year 6. It provides opportunities for mastery in all subjects, helping all children to aspire to achieve the best they can in all the learing they explore.
Our inclusive curriculum promotes equality and celebrates diversity, respecting the rights and dignity of every child enabling all children to reach their potential.
Below is an excerpt from our Ofsted report, praising our bespoke curriculum:
'The school has designed a curriculum that has been personalised to its context and pupils. Leaders have identified precisely what they want pupils to learn across mixed-aged classes. As a result, pupils get off to a strong start in the early years and then their learning builds and grows as they move through the school. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), who are supported by staff who know them well.' Ofsted Report
The 6 Golden Threads
There are six Golden threads running through our creative curriculum:
Whole school
Crisitian values
Language rich
Extending Knowledge
Making connections
Book focused
Autumn Term
Our Wonderful World and Us
Spring Term
Monarchy and Power
Monarchy and Power allows the children to explore how historical events have molded our past, present and future.
Summer Term
Environmental Changes and Impact
Environmental Changes and Impact allows the children to develop an understanding of how fragile our Earth is and their responsibility for it.
Autumn Term
Place and Space
Place and Space allows the children to embark on a journey from their home to outer space.
Spring Term
Invention and Innovation
Invention and Innovation allows the children to discover how science, technology and culture have had an impact on our lives.
Summer Term
Ey up Yorkshire
Ey Up Yorkshire allows the children to develop a love for God’s own country.