At Hawksworth CE Primary School, we teach Mathematics using the White Rose Maths (WRM) schemes of learning, which we adapt to suit the needs of the children.
White Rose Maths scheme
The WRM scheme is well-sequenced, with each unit covered in depth, and the content applied in different ways in subsequent units for consolidation. We teach mathematics using a mastery approach, where new concepts are introduced in small chunks that build in complexity, and the whole class is taught together to ensure that all achieve within each year's group expectations.
In addition to daily Maths lessons, we also utilise Times Tables Rock Stars and Century Online. Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced online program of daily times tables practice and Century is a Personalized learning online program that is used to support Maths homework across KS2.
Our Mathematics Calculation Policy has been taken and adapted from the White Rose Maths scheme. We have found their calculation policy to be the one that works for the needs of our children and suits the way in which we teach Mathematics. The use of concrete resources and visuals underpins this calculation policy.
The policy goes through:
Each operation is broken down into skills for the year group and shows recommended models and visuals to support the teaching of the corresponding concepts alongside.
EYFS Maths
Maths is taught through a range of experiences including counting as part of the daily routine; discreet teaching with follow-up group activities and play-based opportunities and experiences through the learning environment. We recognise that Maths can take place in any environment and we promote the use of learning maths skills through play-based opportunities. Children experiencing any difficulties are identified early and support measures are put into place. Teachers target specific questions at individuals in whole class teaching, extending the children’s understanding, allowing key mathematical concepts to be revisited and developed across the year. We adopt the White Rose Maths approach to our teaching, which ensures progression and coverage throughout the year. We also use Master the Curriculum Maths Mastery to support our teaching and learning alongside White Rose Maths.